Based in Brazil (mostly) but working remotely for the entire word since 2015. Every time zone is welcome!
My style is graphic, vibrant, whimsical and detailed. You're invited to a world of curvaceous shapes and geometric patterns, where people's bone structures are made of rubber and balloons.
I'm inspired by travel, fantasy, 20th century murder mysteries, folktales and kid's experiences and interpretations of the world. When I'm not working, you'll probably find me planning my next trip, learning a new technique (currently game development and animation) or going to the movies.
My work is guided by two main objectives: immersive storytelling and engaging with the audience. I live and work by the 5 Is: Inclusivity, Imagination, Information, Interactivity and I-ccessibility.

Selected clients: Hasbro | Roku | Fisher Price | Play Monster | Play-Doh | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt | Delta TechOps | Atlanta Magazine | Anthem WW (SGK) | Kellogg’s | Jumbo Magazine
Other Projects
In 2020, as schools were shut down and everything was happening online, I started a project to encourage kids and parents to come back to the tactile world for a bit and play together with fun and creative activities.
If you’d like to talk about a creative project or have any business inquiries, you can email me at:

Represented in the US by Mendola Artists
Tim Mendola

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