Digital Painting for Piz Gloria Poster (personal project)

Digital Painting created for London bakery campaign (personal project)

Digital Painting for Starbucks Reserve Japan poster (personal project)

What to Eat in Brazil: Pão de Queijo

What to Eat in Brazil: Pão Francês

What to Eat in Brazil: Cuscuz com Ovo Mechido

What to Eat in Brazil: X-Tudo

What to Eat in Brazil: Biscoito Globo e Chá Mate

What to Eat in Brazil: Água de Coco

Main character paper toy distributed at conferences

Main character paper toy distributed at conferences

Editorial Illustration for BYU Magazine about new baby names

Editorial Illustration

Editorial Illustration

Food in the Times of Quarantine Recipe Card: Dalgona Coffee

Food in the Times of Quarantine Recipe Card: Mini Pancakes