Have you ever read a book so absorbing that you completely forget you're at home?
Rabbits on the Moon
Illustration, Interior Design, Game Design
Trip to the Moon | Paper Toys
Product Design, Toy Design, Illustration
Welcome to the Indoor Jungle
Illustration, Digital Art, Editorial Design
Mini Wheats board game | Kellogg's
Illustration, Packaging, Character Design
Illustration, Advertising, Poster Design
Hasbro Games
Illustration, Packaging, Character Design
Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics
Illustration, Advertising, Packaging
Ice Cream Shop | Paper Toys
Crafts, Product Design, Toy Design
Recipe Cards | Green Collection
Illustration, Poster Design, Editorial Design
Brand Identity | Moon Paper Toys Club
Branding, Illustration, Logo Design
Play Monster Puzzles
Illustration, Toy Design, Product Design